Make Your Point > Archived Issues > LUMINOUS
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Let's enjoy this luminous observation from Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice: "How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world."
"LUMINOUS" Someone or something luminous is bright and shiny, or clear and wonderful in a way that reminds you of a bright light. Part of speech: Other forms worth knowing:
We love Jewel's luminous voice in "O Holy Night."
Look away from the screen to explain the definition in your own words. You’ll know you understand what "luminous" means when you can explain it without saying "radiant" or "illuminating."
Fill in the blanks: "(Some song, book, movie, or performance) is luminous with (joy, spirit, insight, energy, or happiness)."
Spend at least 20 seconds occupying your mind with the game below. Then try the review questions. Don’t go straight to the review now—let your working memory empty out first. Answers:
Try this today:
1. One opposite of LUMINOUS is
Make Your Point is crafted with love and brought to you each weekday morning by Liesl Johnson, a reading and writing tutor on a mission to explore, illuminate, and celebrate words. |