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While we're checking out the word sturmfrei, let's recall some other quirky ones from German. For each, I'll give you the literal translation, and you explain what it actually means. Ready?
"Sturmfrei" is German for "storm-free." It may have started out as a military term, describing a fortress or other well-protected place that couldn't be stormed—couldn't be taken over by force.
Parts of speech:
Although "sturmfrei" is so rare in English that you won't even find it in English dictionaries (at least, not in 2024), it's pretty easy to understand, since it sounds like, and kinda sorta means, "storm-free" or "storm-freedom."
"Last month, I started rewatching Fullmetal Alchemist while I had sturmfrei."
— -Xerim-, Reddit, 2014
Explain the meaning of "sturmfrei" without saying "having the house to yourself" or "the luxury of privacy."
I'm a homebody, so I love sturmfrei. I'd put it in my top five favorite luxuries:
Try to spend 20 seconds or more on the game below. Don’t skip straight to the review—first, let your working memory empty out.
The opposite of having STURMFREI would be